Dr. Parzan. B. Mistry
MS. ,DNB. , FMAS, MNAMAS , Fellowship In Reproductive Medicine (FOGSI/ICOG) , Masters In Reproductive Medicine ( Homerton University, London, UK)
Infertility Specialist
If a couple is having difficulty in having a baby, they are not alone. About 4% to 16% percent of couples in India are infertile. Infertility is defined as a disorder of the reproductive system wherein there is an inability to achieve pregnancy despite trying for at least a year.
Infertility may result from an issue with either you or your partner, or a combination of factors that interfere with pregnancy. Fortunately, there are many safe and effective therapies that significantly improve your chances of getting pregnant.
Dr. Parzan Mestry is one of the leading Gynaecologists in Mumbai specialising in infertility treatment and therapies with a very high success rate.
Masters of Surgery in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from Grant Government Medical College And Sir J.J. Group of Hospitals Mumbai under the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Nashik.
Diplomate of National board in Obstetrics and Gynaecology post Masters in surgery and cleared practical examinations from the prestigious Maulana Azad Medical College and Loknayak Hospital, New Delhi.
Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine –All India rank 3 (Maharashtra state rank 1) From the Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (FOGSI division).
Fellowship in Minimal access surgery-World Laparoscopy Hospital, Gurgaon.
MNAMS (Member Of National Academy Of Medical Sciences) New Delhi,
Masters In Reproductive Medicine from Homerton University , London, UK.

Associations -
- Member of the FOGSI Perinatology committee west zones for the tenure 2015-2017
- Active members of the Mumbai Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society, Mumbai.
- Active Member of Federation Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Member of ESHRE (European Society Of Human Reproduction and Embryology) Youth Council Member of all India ISAR 2018-2019
- Youth Council Member MOGS
Faculty -
Chairperson at the FEMM( Fertility Enhancement and More) National conference held at St. Regis Hotel (Mumbai) 18th -19th November 2017 in the session of dilemmas in Obstetrics and gynaecology.
Panellist in the panel “Infertility in India…What works for us ?” at the 23rd Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction Conference (ISAR) held at Kolkata from 19th – 22nd April 2018.
Appointed panellist in the panel-fertility preservation for YUVA ISAR 2018, Chennai 2018.
Panellist in panel of troubleshooting in Embryo transfer at annual ISAR conference 2019, Mumbai.
Coordinator of formulation of the national guidelines TOG endometriosis.
Coordinator of Formulation of National guidelines TOG Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases.
Panellist in RPL and IVF in ISAR workshop 2018.
Speaker in World Congress of conception to delivery November 2019.
Panellist in the ARTEMIS TONY BLAIR FOUNDATION AND UNITED NATIONS project on menstrual hygiene.
Panellist on ART and endoscopy seminar conducted by AMOGS.
Faculty MOGS new Vistas in In Fertility conference – Male infertility.
Faculty ACE Conference – Ovulation induction talk.
Prizes -
First Prize in the Indian Academy Of Paediatric quiz Ahmednagar branch in 2008.
Dr C M Shah Prize in the Category of High Risk Obstetrics at the 42nd Annual MOGS(Mumbai Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society) Conference conducted in January 2014 for the topic – Expectant Management of Ectopic pregnancy an old however a new approach.
First Prize for the best dissertation in the field of Radiology in Obstetrics at the Mumbai Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society Annual conference 2016.
FOGSI young achievers award 2019.
ISAR MANISH BANKERS young achievers award for the betterment of infertility treatment in India.
Publications -
“Gullain Barre Syndrome, Pregnancy induced hypertension and Prolonged preterm Premature rupture of membranes, Complicated Pregnancy” Bombay hospital Journal volume 56 no.3 Pg434, July 2014
ABDOMINAL OR VAGINAL- THAT IS THE QUESTION??!! (Dilemmas and difficulties in a case of large uterus, vulval mass and prolapse) for Bombay Hospital journal volume 58, no.2, page 281, April 2016.
Advanced Energy Sources in Gynaecological Endoscopic surgeries-IAGE newsletter, October 2016.
Co-Author chapter 6-Surgical Management of fibroid related infertility in the handbook of infertility management (MSR publications) released at MaCORM, Pune 2016.
Author and Co-author on chapter on fibroids and infertility and mix ups in IVF lab in book New Trends in ART by Jaypee Publications.
Chapter in FOGSI Focus on role of progesterone and miscarriages.
Chapter in Handbook of Infertility-Chapter on IUI
Paper Presentations -
Title – Oligohydramnios in relation to the cord around neck at the 40th Annual MOGS Conference of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the 55th Annual All India Conference of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2012 (Benaras)
Title – Case Presentation of Gullian Barre syndrome in Pregnancy at the 41st Annual MOGS Conference of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the 56th Annual All India Conference of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2013.
Title – Expectant Management of Ectopic pregnancy an old however a new approach at the 42nd Annual MOGS Conference of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2014
Title – Abdominal or vaginal that is the question (Dilemmas and difficulties in case of large uterus, vulval mass and prolapsed cases) at the 43rd Annual MOGS Conference of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2015
Adamant uterus to remove or not to remove at the Fertility Enhancement and Management Conference 2015
Posters selected at the RCOG world congress Hyderabad Posters: – “Ashok Anand Stitch” and “Removal of large ovarian tumors vaginally”
Thyroid diseases in pregnancy treating two patients at the newborn screening programme at Dr R N Cooper Hospital and HBTT hospital, Mumbai as a part of FOGSI west zone perinatology programme.
Trainings and Certifications -
Accreditation in open and laparoscopic Tubal ligation (Accredited by Mumbai Municipal Corporation)
Basic and advanced training in Obstetric ultrasound including anomaly scans(1st and 2nd trimester) and Doppler studies. (Fetal Medicine Foundation)
Basics and advances in neonatal resuscitation
CEHAT recommended training in management of sexual assaults
Basics in anaesthesia management
Neonatal screening programmes under FOGSI
Breastfeeding methods and initiation